Talks / Events

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Talks are usually held in the Cricklade Town Hall annexe, doors open at 7.00pm for 7.30 pm with refreshments available on arrival.
Members free – Non-Members £5

The Museum is open most Wednesdays 2pm – 4pm and Saturdays 10am – 12pm (Free admittance) – see here for opening times

Date – 2024TopicSpeakerLocationTime
21st FebruaryAGMTown Hall Annexe7.30 pmMembers & visitors
20th March War Churches with ‘interesting connections’John HickmanTown Hall Annexe7.30 pmMembers & visitors
22nd March Unearthing The Mammoth Graveyard
Nev & Sally Hollingworth
Town HallDoors open 6.45pm
Talk 7.15pm – 9.15pm
Members & visitors
17th AprilAftermath, the peace of 1919 – 1939, the period from the armistice to the outbreak of WW2Bill KingTown Hall Annexe7.30 pmMembers & visitors
22nd MayRobert Dudley, Elizabeth I & the Kenilworth Entertainment of 1575Dr Gillian White7.30 pmMembers & visitors
24th MayAnnual Quiz Night with supperClick here for detailsTown Hall7pm – 10pmMembers & visitors
6th JuneBeacon Lighting – D Day Commemoration with DisplayTBC
7th JuneA Walk around the High Street Area
“Fascinating Facts & Tales Of Times Past In Cricklade.”
Town Hall Car Park7.15pmFree
Donations towards refreshements welcome
19th JunePort to Port – A historical Journey, the length and breadth of the Sharpness to Gloucester Canal. Charts the fortune of Gloucestershire’s waterborne trade via its rural ship canal.Paul BarnettTown Hall Annexe7.30 pmMembers & visitors
25th AugustWalk – Re-Tracing the Route of the Saxon Wall.
NB. This walk will be partly over uneven ground/terrain, so suitable footwear will be required.

Finishes at museum for refreshments.
Town Hall Car Park2.00pmFree
Donations towards refreshements welcome
18th SeptemberBackground of Wayland Estates and United CharitiesJohn HarmanTown Hall Annexe7.30 pmMembers & visitors
16th OctoberSaxon & Norman coinage and the Cricklade MintMark ClarkeTown Hall Annexe7.30 pmMembers & visitors
19th February AGMTown Hall Annexe7.30 pmMembers & visitors
2025 Event Calendar will be published in January 2025