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Sunday 25th August – Annual Walk Re-Tracing the Route of the Saxon Walls

This walk will start from the Museum at 2pm and will finish at the Museum where refreshments will be on offer.
N.B. – This walk will be partly over uneven ground/terrain, so suitable footwear will be required.

We will also be running a shorter version of the above. This walk will start from Saxons Rest at 2pm and will also finish at the Museum for refreshments.
N.B. – This walk will be along tarmac footpaths, but will include steps as we go from Portwell into Parsonage Farm Close

Click here for full 2024 events list and further info


The Cricklade Museum was established by the Cricklade Historical Society who are responsible for its maintenance.

The Museum is a key tourist attraction for Cricklade.
Despite its small size, houses more than 12,000 items in its collection.

The aim of the Museum is to collect, conserve, research, interpret and provide public access to objects associated with the Cricklade district thereby encouraging people to acquire knowledge of local history.

The main strength of the collection lies in objects from the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as the archieve of local family history, family trees, maps and a properties index together with a veritable mine of information held in the Museum’s archive.